Choosing Curriculum

We normally choose our curriculum purchasing a variety of books, reviewing them, praying about which to choose, and then purchasing.

Language Arts

We use Christian Light curriculum for Language Arts. The curriculum focuses on spelling, reading comprehension, phonetics, and memorization.


This year, we are studying The Mystery of History, Volume III together. We use critical thinking to look at fact-based events. This volume covers history from 1455-1707 using a Christ-centered approach.


We have set up our math program to allow students to go at their own pace. We use the spiral method.


In science, we are moving chronologically and learning how philosophers came up with their findings based on what was happening in the time period they were living in. Our textbook is Science in the Scientific Revolution by Dr. Jay Wile, which is engaging and hands-on. The textbook spans 1543-1700.


We follow the Come Follow Me program of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.


This year we are reading and discussing some of the classics together.

Well start the year with :

~ Charlotte’s Web (Reading 1)

~ The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe (Reading 2)

~ Adam of the Road (Reading 3)